August 12, 2022

ACET Migration Services and Treeti Business Consulting launch Workforce Abundance – A Global Employment Solution

In a first of its kind partnership with ACET Migration Services, Treeti Business Consulting  launched their new Global Employment Solutions Product – Workforce Abundance(WA).

This will provide a great competitive advantage to Treeti and ACET Migration to boost its operations in Australia.

The team at WA is skilled and experienced in global recruitment, migration and visa processing, cultural awareness and diversity training, HR and IR and post placement support.

This has been designed for Australian businesses to engage international employees for employment in Australia.

The complex process of hiring and transition is made simpler and streamlined by WA to support the employers.

Find out more at Workforce-Abundance .

Treeti and ACET Migration are looking forward to work together on this unique initiative, with new business opportunities and associations in Australia.

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